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The Introduction!

Hello…. everyone….

So let’s get started and drive our  way thorough the central nervous system…

So the basics… We have a Brain …(yes we all do😂)  the brain is been allotted a certain set of function to perform in order to maintain equilibrium within the body and with the surroundings.

So the brain has evolved over all these years and attained it’s final form….(really complex stuff). So in its final form we have a Central Nervous system which contains… The brain… Called the cereBrum ,the midbrain,Pons ,Medulla ,and the spinal cord with its spinal nerves…. also to aid it’s function we have a peripheral nervous system…. which handles the local matters in the body …whereever the CNS can’t physically reach…Don’t worry about the terminology they will all soon make sense….

Let’s just get a brief review of the evolution …for us to make more sense of the structure and function of the central nervous system.

The first development was…of appearance of a few cells in multicellular organisms which were very sensitive to changes in the order to communicate and coordinate within the organism….these sensitive cells developed the ability to communicate with one another. Communication across the distance between them was achieved through the development of  various cell wall extensions called as processes. (The now called axons and Dendrites)Now…with the development of processes the messages could be transferred between them… But which way should the message flow….away or towards the cell??.🤔….to solve this confusion…there was  development of one-way traffic in the processes so that a process was either bringing a message to the cell(Dendrites) or carrying a message away from the cell(Axons).Another….development was the tendency of these sensitive cells, to form Groups…..(groupism doesn’t spare anyone..well this was a well formed and essential one.😛) these groups had a complex circuitry which could function and process the information so efficiently that would not be possible with a simple chain of neurons…..( See The power of mobs…. since time immemorial😎)These groups of cells were later called ganglia.

A major development which may be termed the beginning of a revolution was the appearance of bilateral symmetry in the animal kingdom.This fancy term denotes nothing but having similar functioning body parts…on either side. In bilaterally symmetrical animals… it was possible to achieve specialization at one end which would enable the animal to move about…using both his limbs so that the coordination wouldn’t be sacrificed….in simple organism who were not bilaterally symmetrical this didn’t happen as they moved in any direction they were stimulated…. like the algae…Due to this phenomenal evolution of the simple cell clusters…the group of cells predominately  occupied the head end of the organisms….and the head developed a specially big cluster of of these cells i.e. the Neurons….!and this lead to the development of a primitive Brain…. Now the…receptor organs, specially sensitive to light, sound or chemical changes also developed at the head end, and these got information from the environment and sent it to the Brain. This information at the head end helped the animal in locomotion and find food and mate for itself…..

I hope this brief overview … stimulated and sensitized your head end…. And you got an idea about the evolution and formation of the Mystical Brain….

I’ll be back …with the some new cool and easy to understand blogs on development of human nervous system with a video explaining the same….

Thank you ..very much …for Reading…do like and comment on the mistakes any special additions or recent developments that you have noticed…. On this subject….

Let’s make learning simple and Fun…😊


I am a Final year Medical student and soon to be a Doctor😃

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